Monday, October 11, 2010



By: Beth Windheuser

Vice President of Membership

Fall formal sorority recruitment began on September 11th, 2010 and was a very exciting time for the women of Delta Delta Delta. With recruitment consisting of four rounds (Open house, Philanthropy/ House tours, Skits, and Preference) it was an exhausting week of meeting potential new members. All women participating in recruitment are invited to the first round and each round is continually more selective until Bid Day when we finally get to meet our new members. During the recruitment process, Delta Delta Delta looks for women that uphold the purpose of our fraternity and we are pleased to include them in our sisterhood. Although it can be a long process, Delta Delta Delta is proud to welcome home our wonderful new members! Congratulations to the all the chapters on campus as well as our very own Theta Beta chapter of Delta Delta Delta for a successful recruitment!

Delta Darlings Update

Delta Darlings Update

By: Caty Heider

Music Chairman

Delta Darlings, our house music ensemble, spent time this fall preparing to sing These Old Walls. The song is part of our Preference Night Ritual, everyone one did a fantastic job!

Work Week

Work Week

By: Beth Windheuser

Vice President of membership

In early August, the ladies of Delta Delta Delta came back to school a week early for Work Week. Designed to prepare for fall formal recruitment, this time included conversation practice, team building, and it allowed the women to grow closer as a chapter. The Membership Selection Committee, made up of President Kaitlin Rice, Vice President of Membership Beth Windheuser, Assistant Vice President of Membership Caitlin Hazelton, and Reference Chairman Kristine Kessler planned the entire week full of activities that would get everyone ready for formal recruitment. Even though it was a lot of work, the women of Delta Delta Delta had fun dressing up in a different theme everyday. From an Americana themed “Party in the USA” day to “Clash of the Cliques” at the end of the week, everyone showed plenty of Delta spirit while getting prepared for recruitment! Not only did Work Week prepare all the women for recruitment, but they gained invaluable conversation and interviewing skills. Great job Deltas! Keep up the good work!

Fire Academy

Fire Academy

By: Haydn Jones

Dear Parents of Theta Beta,

Leadership is an essential part within our Delta Delta Delta chapter and I had the chance to explore my leadership qualities through Leadership Fire Academy. A program created in early 2000’s to develop and promote fire safety throughout the Greek System for those who own greek residences. Each Panhellenic and IFC Greek organization all sent representation and we were all selected into “engine” teams. We learned the basic training of the Firefighter Academy, for example, combat training, search and rescue including full gear of mask, helmet, oxygen tank, jacket, gloves, and pants, fire science, and fire safety. We all received priceless, beneficial knowledge for wherever we reside and the facts to spread the knowledge to our roommates, sisters, friends and family so in turn the can stay fire safe too. It was a humbling experience a snip it of the training of a firefighter and we love and respect our Boulder Fire department everyday for keeping the students of CU and the Greek community safe.

Monday, October 4, 2010

New Member Update!

After a very successful recruitment, The New Member Educator planned an amazing Bid Day; we went to Denver to play laser tag! It was a great night and there was so much enthusiasm even after the long week! The night of Bid Day, The Assistant New Member Educator selected "dolphins" for the new baby Deltas. Dolphins are a kind of pre big to get the new girls comfortable and more associated with the house. After Bid Day, the members do "dolphin drops" in which they decorate the new member's home door with a painted and glittery dolphin and sometimes candy. Its a fun welcome to the house!

After getting to know the new members, the Assistant New Member Educator carefully paired the new members with a Big! Three days before revelation, the Bigs give the Littles gifts and clues. Each day the Little is given a more significant gift, and on the third day, they give a couple of clues to get the girls really excited to find out who their Big is! This Sunday we will be having our Big/Little revelation. The revelation will consist of the Big buying two costumes (one for them, one for their little). The Bigs will then spread out throughout the streets surrounding the house (on the "University Hill", Beach Park, and around Broadway). The LIttle will then put on the costume and find their Big! Afterwards they can go out to dinner or dessert! We are SO excited for our new members!

Delta Love,

The New Member Education Team

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Philanthropy Update!

Philanthropy Update!

By Kelsey Arnold

Philanthropy Chairman

Kappa Kickball was on Sunday September 26 in North Boulder at the Mapleton fields. Money raised went to the Reading is Fundamental Foundation. Delta Delta Delta put together a team of girls who volunteered to give up a Sunday to play in the event!!

Fall 2010 Officer Retreat

Fall 2010 Officer Retreat

By Kim Smith

Vice President of Administration

On september 24th, 21 of our theta beta officers drove up to Breckenridge for our officers retreat. We all cooked a lovely meal of pasta, garlic bread and salad for dinner. After enjoying the meal we just hung out and bonded with each other. The cabin had a hot tub so we took turns going in there. We played lots of fun games, like mafia and attempted to get to sleep at a decent hour. In the morning we all had breakfast and then went on a morning walk. We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful morning, the aspen trees were changing colors and it was amazing! After the walk we packed up the cars and headed back to Boulder. All in all we had an awesome time, and loved getting to bond with our sisters!

PR PUSH Week (September 2010)

PR PUSH Week September 2010

PR PUSH stands for Public Relations Push. It's one week out of every month where the girls are given a week of events to attend or things they can do with in the University of Colorado community as well as in the Boulder community.

For the September PR PUSH week Delta Delta Delta worked with American Red Cross and Rush Bowls on The Hill to raise money for the 4 mile fire here in Boulder. The 4 mile fire was a forest fire started September 7th that greatly effected many individuals in the Boulder community.

Rush Bowls a yogurt bowl restaurant on The Hill, where many University of Colorado students live; worked with Delta Delta Delta and American Red Cross to raise money September 22nd -24th. The girls handed out $1 vouchers all over campus for individuals to bring in to RUSH in order for $1 to be donated from every purchase to American Red Cross for the fire.

Here is the event schedule for the PR PUSH week September 20th-24th:

September 20th Monday: Make posters and flyers to hang around the CU campus
September 21st Tuesday: Continue to hang Flyers, but also chalk for the event in classroms or on side walks around campus.
September 22nd Wednesday: Wear Letters, hand out Vouchers on The Hill near Rush and get a Yogurt Bowl if you can!
September 23rd Thursday: Wear Letters, hand out Vouchers on The Hill near Rush and get a Yogurt Bowl if you can!
September 24th Friday: Wear Letters, hand out Vouchers on The Hill near Rush and get a Yogurt Bowl if you can!

You can view photos of the fire here:

PR PUSH Week (August 2010)

PR PUSH Week August 2010

PR PUSH stands for Public Relations Push. It's one week out of every month where the girls are given a week of events to attend or things they can do with in the University of Colorado community as well as in the Boulder community.

For the week of August in honor of recruitment the ladies of Delta Delta Delta for a whole week made sure to wear any items with letters on them. If girls wore their letters to class or office hours they were given points! Also many ladies decorated cute Facebook display photos, such as the one above to let everyone know they are member of Delta Delta Delta!

Bid Day

Welcome New Members!
By: Martina Macon
New Member Educator

Firstly, I am so excited to welcome all of our wonderful baby Deltas! The New Member Education team has some exciting things planned for the Fall Pledge Class of 2010! Our Bid Day, the day that we celebrate all of our new members accepting their bid cards after recruitment, is September 15 and we are going to laser tag at Laser Quest! There will be arcade games, pizza, and unlimited laser tag for the whole night while the new members get to meet all of the wonderful ladies in our chapter! Then the real fun begins for 8 weeks, educating our baby Deltas about our history and legacy as Delta women and Theta Betas.

Senior Shout Out: Christina Onpeng, Leah Neumann and Martina Macon

Senior Shout Outs!
By: Laura Bladow
Assistant Vice President of Public Relations

This month we would like to recognize three of our outstanding seniors for their achievements.

(1) Shout out to Christina Onpeng for getting an internship in the Public Relations department of Jeremy Bloom’s Wish of a Lifetime!

(2) Shout out to Leah Neumann for getting a full time position at Goldman Sachs, which she will begin after graduation!

(3) Shout out to Martina Macon for completing her ROTC Air Force Field Training this past summer in Alabama!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Greek Week 2010

Greek Week 2010

By: Lisa Weatherbie

Greek Week is always greatly anticipated each Spring! This year we were paired with the sisters of Alpha Delta Chi and the brothers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. We really enjoyed getting to know our Greek Week partners, and started out Greek Week preparation by hosting a BBQ at the Theta Beta house. Haydn Jones, Activities Chairperson, organized the event which was a lot of fun! Miss Greek was one of the first events of Greek Week and Natalie Smithson did a great job of representing our house! Many girls participated in Power Puff football, and other chapter members went to support and cheer on the team. The week culminated with Songfest, a dance competition held at Coors Event Center. Much time and effort were spent making Greek Week not only fun, but a time to get to know others within the Greek community. We are proud to say we earned 3rd place overall in the Greek Week competition!



By: Lisa Weatherbie

On March 12th and 13th, we had a chapter retreat at the Theta Beta house. RHO GAMMA, Member Development Chairperson coordinated the retreat with Joanna Webb who came from Executive Office to conduct the retreat designed for Theta Beta members. Megan Pendley Pickett, Greek Advisor from the University of Denver, came to assist Joanna with the weekend activities. After enjoying dinner together, chapter members spent Friday night thinking about what Tri Delta is as a whole and what Theta Beta is. This was a great way to start the retreat. On Saturday morning, a jump rope challenge took place outside. We had to get all participants through a jump rope without the jump rope stopping or having a turn without someone running through. This was a great challenge, but with much encouragement and support, we realized the importance of teamwork and we were able to accomplish the task! We had a few other group activities on Saturday, including building a structure out of marshmallows and toothpicks without speaking. Being able to overcome these challenges showed us that as a sisterhood we can truly work together to accomplish anything!

Tour of Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders at Children's Hospital

Tour of Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders at Children's Hospital

By: Lisa Weatherbie

In January, a group of chapter members went to Children's Hospital for a tour of the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders, the area of the hospital Theta Beta directly supports. It was a great experience to see where the money raised from our fall philanthropy, Pancake Supper, is used. On the floor of the Cancer and Blood Disorders Center, we saw the room that was sponsored by Theta Beta and other Rocky Mountain Tri Deltas. Children's Hospital is truly an amazing facility and we are grateful to be able to help support a place that has such a large impact on children in Colorado!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

CU Miss Greek 2010: Natalie Smithson

It's getting close to Greek Week and the CU Miss Greek Week pageant! Natalie Smithson a senior here at the University of Colorado will be participating on behalf of Delta Delta Delta in Sigma Pi's Miss Greek pageant. A major part of the CU Miss Greek pageant is raising money for Tennyson and Clinica, and we Deltas couldn't be more proud to have Natalie participating.

To help show your support and donate on behalf of Delta Delta Delta you can visit the link below:

Also if you are in Boulder come by the pageant April 14th at 7pm at Coors Event Center.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Best Student Organization on Campus!

Delta Delta Delta was recently voted The Best Student Organization On Campus in The Colorado Daily's 2010 Best of Boulder issue . Here is a link to the article on line!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Delta Week

The time has come for Delta Week!! Once a semester we have a Delta's only week for the girls in our chapter. Every day a different pledge class(Sr, Jr, Soph, Fresh) runs an event to celebrate Delta sisterhood. Take a look at the 2010 Delta Week schedule:

Week of March 29th - April 2nd

Monday: Boulder Baked Cookie Decorating 7 p.m.
Tuesday: Egg Decorating 7 p.m.
Wednesday: Spa Night: Doing nails, making banana boats (they're delicious!) and watching movies 7 p.m.
Thursday: Henna tattoos and fortune telling :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Senior Shout Out Katie Rowan

Senior Shout out to Katie Rowan!

Katie will be teaching elementary school with Teach for America in Connecticut. We know you are going to do such a great job out there and you will be greatly missed : ) We just wanted to let everyone know how proud of you we are!

Delta Love, Your Delta Sisters

Zumba and RUSH Bowls

Beth Windheuser our Vice President of Membership who is in charge of Recruitment organized a Zumba and RUSH Bowl Event for girls in our chapter and their friends. Zumba is a type of dance aerobics class, and is a lot of fun! Two members of our chapter Audrey Brazeel and Mackenzie Jackson are Zumba certified, and they volunteered to teach the class for us. Thanks Ladies! After the class we went and got RUSH bowls on The Hill as an after work-out snack!

Senior Shout Out Brittney Barickman

Congrats BB on your new teaching job!

Brittney will be student teaching college prep biology and college prep chemistry at Cherry Creek High School in Denver, CO starting in August!

We know you are going to do an amazing job and we wish you the best of luck!

Delta Love,

Your Delta Sisters : )

Monday, March 15, 2010

Delta Delta Delta wins Chi-O Dodgeball

This past weekend the ladies of Delta Delta Delta dominated the Chi Omega Dodgeball tournament. All nine sororities competed in a dodgeball tournament to raise money for the Make a Wish Foundation. As we say losing isn’t a word in the Tri-Delta vocabulary… so we of course had to win!! : )

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Greek Week BBQ

Say Aloha to Greek Week BBQ!

Greek Week partners were announced in February and the sisters of Tri Delta are excited to be paired with the brothers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) and the sisters of Alpha Delta Chi (ADX)! To celebrate the dream team (that we hope will win Greek Week!), we had a barbeque at the Delta house at the end of February. Our luau-themed barbeque, in honor of our Hawaiian dance for Songfest, was a huge hit and everyone had a wonderful time. Thanks to Haydn Jones, our Activities chairman, for putting together a fun filled afternoon of partner bonding!

Senior Wine Tasting Night

At the end of February, the lovely seniors of Tri Delta visited Boulder Creek Winery (see the link below) for a wine tasting event. As one of their senior events, coordinated by our Continuing Education officer,RHO GAMMA, the seniors sipped on a variety of wine from Merlot to Chardonnay. Volunteer sober drivers from the sophomore and junior class made the event fun and safe. Thanks to RHO GAMMA for planning a classy and sassy senior activity!
Take a look at where they went:

Monday, March 8, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday

Beth Windheuser, our Vice President of Membership, and RHO GAMMA, our House Manager, organized a Tri Delta Super Bowl Sunday. All the girls and their friends gathered around to watch the game and enjoy some delicious food. The girls did a great job organizing this game day event, complete with extra speakers for a full Super Bowl Effect!


At the end of February Nationals posted a picture of our House and the Boulder members on the National TriDelta Website!

Check out the Article:

Senior Shout Out Caitlin Brzycki

Senior Shout out to Caitlin Brzycki! Caitlin will be working for PricewaterhouseCoopers in Chicago,IL starting July 5th. We are all so excited for you, way to go Caitlin!!

Delta Love, Your Delta Sisters

CPR Certified

During the last week of February Brandi Girtman our Risk Chairman organized a CPR class for Delta Delta Delta. This allowed girls in the house to become CPR certified!! We met that Wednesday in the dinning room at 7pm for a free class she set up through the university.

Sunday, March 7, 2010