Sunday, July 25, 2010

Greek Week 2010

Greek Week 2010

By: Lisa Weatherbie

Greek Week is always greatly anticipated each Spring! This year we were paired with the sisters of Alpha Delta Chi and the brothers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. We really enjoyed getting to know our Greek Week partners, and started out Greek Week preparation by hosting a BBQ at the Theta Beta house. Haydn Jones, Activities Chairperson, organized the event which was a lot of fun! Miss Greek was one of the first events of Greek Week and Natalie Smithson did a great job of representing our house! Many girls participated in Power Puff football, and other chapter members went to support and cheer on the team. The week culminated with Songfest, a dance competition held at Coors Event Center. Much time and effort were spent making Greek Week not only fun, but a time to get to know others within the Greek community. We are proud to say we earned 3rd place overall in the Greek Week competition!



By: Lisa Weatherbie

On March 12th and 13th, we had a chapter retreat at the Theta Beta house. RHO GAMMA, Member Development Chairperson coordinated the retreat with Joanna Webb who came from Executive Office to conduct the retreat designed for Theta Beta members. Megan Pendley Pickett, Greek Advisor from the University of Denver, came to assist Joanna with the weekend activities. After enjoying dinner together, chapter members spent Friday night thinking about what Tri Delta is as a whole and what Theta Beta is. This was a great way to start the retreat. On Saturday morning, a jump rope challenge took place outside. We had to get all participants through a jump rope without the jump rope stopping or having a turn without someone running through. This was a great challenge, but with much encouragement and support, we realized the importance of teamwork and we were able to accomplish the task! We had a few other group activities on Saturday, including building a structure out of marshmallows and toothpicks without speaking. Being able to overcome these challenges showed us that as a sisterhood we can truly work together to accomplish anything!

Tour of Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders at Children's Hospital

Tour of Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders at Children's Hospital

By: Lisa Weatherbie

In January, a group of chapter members went to Children's Hospital for a tour of the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders, the area of the hospital Theta Beta directly supports. It was a great experience to see where the money raised from our fall philanthropy, Pancake Supper, is used. On the floor of the Cancer and Blood Disorders Center, we saw the room that was sponsored by Theta Beta and other Rocky Mountain Tri Deltas. Children's Hospital is truly an amazing facility and we are grateful to be able to help support a place that has such a large impact on children in Colorado!