Monday, August 15, 2011

Senior Shout Out!

Shout out to senior Amanda Jacobs for being hired at Radio Disney! We are all so proud of you and we know that you are going to do great things!

Delta Love!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Move In - Back to Boulder

Front Door of Main House
Delta Delta Delta - 1025 15th Street

The Delta house is bustling with girls today after a quiet summer in Boulder. The ladies of the Theta Beta Chapter of Delta Delta Delta started to move in to the chapter house on Wednesday, August 10th and have continued a staggered move in through August 12th.

Senior Renae Eze has spent the last two years living in the chapter house and is now moving in again for her final year of college. "I love living in the 'Delt' because it's a non-stop party. There's always something to do and someone to hang out with. It's a great way to go out of college," said Eze.

The new kids on the block are just as excited as the seniors that are living in. Moving in for the first time is sophomore, Shawnney Mahowald. "I can't wait to spend the year in the house with all my sisters! I think it's going to be great and I'm so excited to be living in for the first time! Can't wait to get to know everyone better and feel all the Delta Love!"

While the unpacking continues, another crazy year begins at 1025 15th Street which is sure to be full of fun, hard work and excellence.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Greek Week 2011!!

On Sunday, April 10th, Greek Week 2011 started out with a bang with powderpuff football! The encompassing theme of the week is "The Game of Life" with each team being assigned a specific profession to use as a team theme. Partnered with the brothers of Sigma Pi and Fiji, Delta Delta Delta is competing with the profession of "Athlete". We are looking forward to a week filled with fun, competition and commitment to the Greek and Panhellenic spirit! Good luck to all!

The Greek Week schedule is as follows:

Monday, April 11: Letter Check In- 10am-2pm @UMC; Fundraiser
Dinner (CU Relay for Life)- 5pm-10pm @ Illegal Pete's on the HIll!

Tuesday, April 12: TRIVIA BOWL- 7pm-9pm @ TBD

Wednesday, April 13: Food Can Structure Competition- 9am-12pm @
UMC Fountains; Sig Pi's MISS GREEK- 8pm-
10pm @ Coors Event Center

Thursday, April 14: Volleyball Tournament- Time and Place TBD

Friday, April 15: Greek Olympics- 3pm-6pm @ Farrand Field

Saturday, April 16: FRATERNITY FOOTBALL- 8am-5pm @Horizon Fields

Sunday, April 17: SONGFEST- 6:30pm-10pm @ Coors Event Center

***Please support our team and our Miss Greek by donating to Katherine Pedroza at ***

Spring Formal!

This past Wednesday, April 6th, Delta Delta Delta held its Spring Formal at EXDO Events Center with a "Viva Las Vegas" theme. With dice, classic Vegas landmarks, and cards as decorations, Deltas danced the night away with their dates. Pictured above, some of our new members enjoyed a night with their soon-to-be sisters in a glamourous fashion. Special thanks to Social Chairman, RHO GAMMA for planning a wonderful event and Risk Chairman, Haydn Jones for making sure the event was safe, fun and memorable event!

Alpha Chi Omega Greek Grand Slam Champions!

On Saturday, April 9th, Delta Delta Delta took home the trophy for Alpha Chi Omega's annual philanthropy Greek Grand Slam! The event benefitted
Partners in Prevention, a local organization committed to helping bridge health care professionals and domestic abuse victim advocacy. The tournament lasted all day and we were honored to take first place despite great competition from other chapter's teams. Excellent job to team Delta Delta Delta

Initiation Weekend and New Sisters!

This past Saturday our newest pledge class was initiated into the sisterhood. Leading up to initiation was Delta Week, a time to celebrate our sisterhood and grow closer with our new members before they go through the initiation ceremony. Delta Week activities included a hair tinseling sisterhood, spa night, our formal, and many other fun activities planned by our Vice President of Chapter Development, Emily Damron. After the first night of initiation, each "family" went out for dinner and enjoyed a new member sleep over with movies and popcorn. We are so excited for our new pledge class to be fully initiated members and look forward to years of memories to come! Congratulations to Shawnney Mahowald, Lauren Kidd, Maxine Slaveck, Alyssa Saunders, Lisa Eimike, Alison Ashby, Katherine Anderson, Lauren Walsh, Chloe Werner, and Peyton Bess!

Chi Omega Dodgeball Champions!!

The ladies of Delta Delta Delta participated in Chi Omega's annual philanthropy, Chi O Dodgeball on Saturday, April 2nd. While having a blast playing dodgeball against other panhellenic chapter teams, our sisters raised money for Chi Omega's philanthropy Make-A-Wish Foundation. For more information about this great organization, please visit their website.

After several well played games, team Delta Delta Delta took home the title of champion for the second year in a row. Congratulations to our team and to Chi Omega for a great philanthropy!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Meet the New Members!

Hometown: Los Altos, CA
Major: Sociology and Pre Law
Interesting Fact: I love yoga and greek food!
What are you most excited for in Delta Delta Delta: I am so excited to meet new friends and to get involved.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Meet Miss Delta Delta Delta!

MISS DELTA DELTA DELTA -- Katherine Pedroza

Year in school: Senior

Hometown: Parker, CO

Major: Business - Marketing

Extra-curricular Activities: Currently I serve as the Senior Class Council President, a Leeds Ambassador and member of the Diverse Scholars Program. In addition, I am a marketing and research intern at MMP for their UK division and volunteer for various organizations such as the Children's Hospital in Denver. In my free time, I enjoy running, playing with my cats, and striving to be the ultimate CU fan.

Sorority positions held, if any: New Member Integrator, Philanthropy Committee Head, Recruitment Committee Head

Why did you come to CU-Boulder: I kind of have a thing for Buffaloes. Rams are for pansies.

Fun Fact About yourself: I began my business career at the ripe age of 8, when I wrote up and demanded compliance to a contract regarding my chores and allowance.


When one mentions a beauty pageant, images of toddlers in tiaras, glitzy gowns and huge teased hair comes to mind. But what a pageant is really about is self-confidence, philanthropic endeavors and true talent. In April, one of our sisters, Katherine Pedroza, will be competing as Miss Delta Delta Delta in Sigma Pi's philanthropy CU Miss Greek.

The pageant, part of the annual Greek Week competition, is held on behalf of two wonderful organizations: Clinica Family Health Services and the Denver Tennyson Center. Helping low-income families have access to high quality health care, Clinica has helped countless families in the Denver area over the years. As the second philanthropic organization benefitted by Miss Greek, the Denver Tennyson Center provides treatment and education for abused, neglected or youth at risk. Last year, the brothers of Sigma Pi raised $59,784 and are looking to increase the donation this year.

As Miss Delta Delta Delta, Katherine is asking for the support of sisters, friends, family, alumni and the community to meet her fundraising goal of $9,000. Please donate on behalf of Katherine at the CU Miss Greek website.

For more information on Clinica or the Denver Tennyson Center, please visit their websites.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Delta Wild Wings

As a new year begins, the sisters of the Theta Beta Chapter of Delta Delta Delta are hard at work raising funds and volunteering their time for many philanthropic organizations. To continue the excellence that the chapter has shown on campus, as Theta Beta was awarded Philanthropy of the Year at Greek Awards in December, Philanthropy chairman, RHO GAMMA planned and executed our Spring philanthropy, Delta Wild Wings on March 3rd, 2011. This fun-filled event boasted wing eating contests, trivia, games and music and raised over $2,500 dollars in support of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Local companies and restaurants supplied gift cards and prizes for the eating contests and trivia, showing Boulder's support for a great cause. Members of the Greek system as well as the greater Boulder community were guests in our home for the night and generously donated towards a great cause.

Planning the event was a challenge, from the logistics of ordering all the food to publicizing the event through early ticket sales and chalking, but it was worth the effort to help the children at St. Jude. “I thought that the turn out was great for a new philanthropy! I loved how people really got excited to play trivia and play all the games. As always, Delta sisters make philanthropy fun,” stated Alexandra Caropino, a junior at the University of Colorado and a Delta Delta Delta member. In addition to efforts to publicize the event, this year Theta Beta made an effort to push support for St. Jude to the forefront of the community's mind. Sales of plastic bracelets with the message “I Support St. Jude” and the date of our philanthropy were a huge hit around campus and allowed the sisters of Delta Delta Delta to share our love for our national philanthropy with the campus community. Delta Wild Wings was a huge success and we look forward to volunteering throughout the rest of the year.

Greek Awards 2011

In December 2010, the Panhellenic Greek men and women gathered together to celebrate the accomplishments of each chapter and the Greek Community as a whole. These Greek Awards are held annually and celebrate accomplishments in leadership, academics, philanthropy, risk management among other categories.

The sisters of Delta Delta Delta were honored to receive the award for Philanthropy of the Year as well being awarded a Senior Pillar for outstanding senior, Martina Macon.

Congratulations to all of the Panhellenic and IFC chapters in attendance! We look forward to another year of excellence within our Greek community!

Meet the New Members!

To get to know the new members of Delta Delta Delta, each week a different woman will be featured!

Name: Chloe Werner
Hometown: Telluride, Colorado
Major: Psychology
Interesting Fact: I lived in Sweden for my junior year of High School so I speak Swedish.
What are you most excited for in Delta Delta Delta?: I am so excited to keep making new friends! All the girls I have met so far are AMAZING!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Informal Recruitment and Bid Day!

In early February, Delta Delta Delta was pleased to have participated in Spring Informal Recruitment. As a much more casual and laid-back process, Informal Recruitment allows women to get to know the women in the chapter without the frills of Formal Recruitment. Informal Recruitment consisted of three rounds, two open houses and an invitation only appetizers and mocktail night. Planned by our Membership Selection Committee, Melissa Cooper (Vice President of Membership), Kelsi Welch (Assistant Vice President of Membership), Alexandra Caropino (Reference Chairman) and Danielle Foss (President), Informal Recruitment was a huge success. We were pleased to welcome our new members to our chapter on bid day which included a dance party, cupcake decorating, karaoke, and an inflatable bounce castle. Thanks to Lisa Weatherbie, our New Member Educator, for a fun bid day!

Deltas Support Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity

Last month, Delta Delta Delta was excited to help with Pi Kappa Phi philanthropy, Push America’s Journey of Hope. This summer, 11 brothers will be riding across the country to raise awareness, empathy, and funds for people with disabilities. The women of Delta Delta Delta, along with many university organizations, are helping the brothers raise money by dining at The Sink, a local restaurant that has generously agreed to donate a percentage of their profit to Pi Kappa Phi. Our chapter raised almost $500 and is ecstatic to be a part of such an uplifting program. We wish the brothers of Pi Kappa Phi the best of luck riding across America this summer.

For more information on Pi Kappa Phi and their philanthropy, please visit their chapter website

Standards Board Retreat

by Emily Damron, Vice President of Chapter Development

As training for the new Standards Board for the 2011 Officer Council, the previous Standards Board hosted a retreat for all the new Standards members. Former Theta Beta President Kaitlin Rice hosted the retreat at her family’s home, where we enjoyed home-cooked food thanks to Kaitlin’s parents. After a whole lot of food-filled fun, Standards got down to the real business. The old Standards Board shared some of their proudest and most difficult moments about being on Standards along with words of wisdom for the new board. Their knowledge from being on Standards for a year was helpful to listen to as a learning experience for those of us on the new Standards Board. Through asking questions, running through possible scenarios and talking about certain procedures, our new board got a better handle upon how to run a Standards meeting, appropriate ways of handling sensitive issues, and a general overview of what to expect. The overall experience of the weekend was amazing. It was a great time for us to hang out with our sisters, but also get some real training and advice (plus watch Clueless).

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Officer Council 2011

At the beginning of the semester, the members of Delta Delta Delta gathered to select the new Officer Council through the slating process. Because the fraternity emphasizes qualities of unselfish leadership among its members, the process of slating allows members to nominate women for each position, matching individual talents to an office position within the chapter. The new Officer Council was installed on Monday, January 24th. Congratulations to the new officers!

President: Danielle Foss

Vice President of Administration: Morgan Hill

Vice President of Chapter Development: Emily Damron

Vice President of Finance: Alicia Gong

Vice President of Membership: Melissa Cooper

Vice President of Public Relations: Beth Windheuser

Assistant Vice President of Membership: Kelsi Welch

Secretary: Celia King

Music Chairman : Caitlin Duffy

Panhellenic Delegate: Annie Duchen

Treasurer: Laura Bladow

Licensing Chairman: Shannon Duell

Activities Chairman: Renae Eze

Reference Chairman: Alex Caropino

Philanthropy Chairman: RHO GAMMA

Assistant Philanthropy: Giulia Millon

Social Chairman: RHO GAMMA

House Manager: Jacki Altman

Continuing Education: Louisa Goebel

Member Development: Jessica Moore

Chapter Correspondent: Jessica Liu

Sponsors Chairman: Lindsay Dean

New Member Education: Lisa Weatherbie

Risk Chairman: Haydn Jones

Academics Chairman: Kim Smith

Alumni Relations Chairman: Katie Mata

Points Chairman: Lauren McGee