Sunday, April 22, 2012

Greek Week 2012: Songfest

Like every other year here at CU, one of the largest events for the Greek community is Songfest.  The pinnacle of Greek Week, every team comes together to create a twelve minute dance routine that will top all the rest.  Every year there are new stunts, higher jumps, bigger kicks and more people, this year being no exception.  All of the houses put together amazing routines as the nine teams competed to take Songfest gold and Greek Week overall.

This year Tri Delta, Kappa Sigma and Alpha Sigma Phi (aka Team Weather Channel) took on an amazing routine choreographed by junior Melissa Cooper and freshman Brittany Anderson. These girls did a fantastic job encouraging everyone through our months of practice, practice and more practice.  And boy oh boy, did it pay off. 

The boys also perfected our choreographed moves and we got to see them shake it to Ice, Ice Baby in our weather themed routine.

We even had tons of girls come cheer our team on!  Tri and beat us and see what you get Delt:

With gravity defying hair and some cools costumes we took on songfest full force and surely brought a storm.  Although our team did not end up on the podium for Songfest, we were victorious in Greek Week, claiming our Third Place trophy with pride. 

We cannot wait for Greek Week next year to continue to achieve new heights for our chapter.  Great work to everyone who participated in Greek Week and thank to our CU Panhellenic and IFC for hosting such an exceptional week for our community.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Greek Week 2012: Friend Trivia

Tuesday night's Greek Week event was Friend Trivia. This super fun and unique event pits best friends from all the participating houses against each other as they prove how much they know about each other.  

This year, Juniors Maddy and Molli competed on behalf of our chapter.
They tackled some pretty tough questions such as: What is your partner's favorite home cooked meal? Where did your partner's father go to college? Where does your partner want to get married? and What is your partner's guilty pleasure?

These two even dressed up for the occasion, sporting shirts with a silly picture and some Delta letters:

Although our Greek Week team did not place in the event, we had a blast listening to all the answers from Maddy, Molli and all the other participants.

Great job ladies!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

CU Miss Greek: Meet our Contestant

Included in Greek Week every year for the last seven years, Sigma Pi has the privilege to throw a pageant for all the sororities to raise money for their philanthropy Clinica Family Health Services ( This year Theta Beta was represented by the one and only senior Kara Vosburgh.  With poise, intelligence, chapter and Panhellenic spirit on our side, we were bound to do well.

Last night was the 7th Annual Miss Greek Pageant and the lovely Kara Vosburgh took Second Place!  We couldn't be more proud of here and all of her accomplishments.  Honored to call her our sister, here's a little more about Kara:

Name: Kara Vosburgh
Class: Senior
Hometown: San Jose, California

Major: Political Science and Psychology

Extracurricular Activities: Young Life leader
Sorority Positions Held: Chapter Correspondent, Continuing Education Chair, Member Development Chair, Member of the Standards Board, Internal Vice President of Panhellenic

Kara has been an active member of our chapter over the last four years and also had the privilege of serving on our school's Panhellenic Board.  She is a fabulous representation of what a Tri Delta woman should embody in her everyday life. We are humbled to say that she is our sister and so excited that all of her hard work and dedication for this cause paid off for a second place finish! We all worked hard to help Kara with fundraising efforts, doing fun things like selling custom tee shirts and having a senior garage sale.  

Look! It's Kara on an eagle:

Kara was asked, what does representing Tri Delta for Miss Greek mean to you?
"I am so glad to represent Tri Delta in the CU Miss Greek Pageant and to raise money for a wonderful cause like Clinica Family Health Services, that serves the Boulder/Denver area. The communities I have been in since coming to CU--Tri Delta, the Panhellenic community, and my Young Life community--have served me so well in becoming the woman I am today. Nothing makes me happier than giving back to the places that have given me so much."

Thank you to Kara for all her dedication and a HUGE thank you to everyone who donated on her behalf.  Our chapter raised nearly 8,000 dollars for Clinica and the Panhellenic community as a whole raised almost 83,000 dollars.

We are all honored to be part of a community that can come together for a great cause.

To learn more about Clinica Family Health services you can visit their website
Or to learn about the other contestants from this years Miss Greek, check out

Greek Week 2012: Fraternity Football and Powder Puff

This past weekend, Greek Week was finally in full swing with a Fraternity Football tournament on Saturday and Powder Puff Football for the sororities on Sunday. We all had a blast cheering on Team Weather to a 2nd place finish in Fraternity Football for Kappa Sigma and a 4th place finish in Powder Puff. Both teams worked for months in all different (and kinda crazy) Boulder weather to prepare for this weekend. We could not be more proud of everyone who participated!

Check out some photos of us rooting our teams on:

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Greek Week 2012: The Perfect Storm

Greek Week is finally here and we kicked off the week with a bang, winning first place for our spectacular banner which was designed and executed by one of our seniors Caitlin Hazelton.  
Check out this amazing video put together by senior Beth Windheuser:

Thanks to all the wonderful ladies who made this banner possible.  It looks great hanging on the front of our chapter house.

Greek Week 2012: TV Guide

Greek Week has officially launched!
This year's overall theme is TV Guide. 
 Along with our partners from fraternities Kappa Sigma and Alpha Sigma Phi, our team will take on the task of portraying The Weather Channel.

Here is the Greek Week Schedule:
Friday, April 13th: Field Day and Chili Cook-Off
Saturday, April 14th: Fraternity Football
Sunday, April 15th: Sorority Powderpuff
Monday, April 16th: Letter Check-In and CU Miss Greek
Tuesday, April 17th: Friend Trivia
Wednesday, April 18th: Buff Can Challenge and Volleyball
Thursday, April 19th: SONGFEST

We can't wait to kick off the week and have fun cheering on our team.

Watch out CU, the perfect storm is on the horizon...

Sping Formaln 2012: Bring on the Masks!

Our Spring Formal was last weekend at Red Rocks Amphitheater and we had a blast all night long!  The theme was Masquerade Ball and girls went all out with fancy, feather-topped masks that glittered and sparkled throughout the evening.  It was our Seniors last formal before they graduate (oh no)!


Red Rocks was amazing, even in the dark, as you could literally see for miles. We all danced the night away with our DJ playing all the latest music (including some Call Me Maybe and T. Swift). All in all it was a great night filled with fun, friends, laughter, and of course, some food.

Thanks to our social chair Lauren Walsh for throwing such a wonderful bash!